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Saturday, May 30, 2015

Let's go play more outside this year

In case you have been too busy starting up this new year.. it's  mid January already! Yes, I know.. pretty crazy huh? There is no stopping 2013 from happening. And this year is travelling so fast already that it should get a speeding ticket.
Then again, the entire month of January feels like a probationary period anyways. Kind of like with a new job. Four weeks to figure out which resolutions turn out to actually improve life quality (like sorting out laundry before the basket disappears under a mountain of clothes and sheets) and which ones are completely unrealistic (like: I will never cookies for breakfast again).
I’ll be good by February 1st, the real beginning of the new year. But I can already tell you this much: I have a feeling it’s going to be a good one. My wish for 2013 goes something like this:

I want to explore Turkey more. I want to travel to known and unknown places. See things I’ve never seen, learn things I never knew. I want to get to know Turkey even better, meet its people. I want to talk with them, hear about their stories, spend a day of their life with them, drink çay together and have them posing in front of my camera.
This year I want to be an adventurer.
Just like when I was a little girl. I had two heros then. My mom and Pippi Longstocking. My mom still is my hero now. But I forgot all about Pippi. And also, I forgot all about climbing trees. About jumping off the roof of our garden shed and about holding my breath under water for the longest time possible. I forgot to how to dare myself to do things I was afraid of. I forgot how to challenge my boundaries almost daily, how to learn new things without analyzing and how to take risks without calculating.
Where during the process of growing up did climbing trees stop being fun and started being scary?
When did a scratch on my arm or a bandage on my knee stop being cool and started being ugly?
Why don’t I practice my diving skills anymore? Or driving a bike with no hands?
I guess it’s called becoming an adult. Taking responsibilities for yourself and for others changed how we roll forever. Sure, there are some very nice benefits of being a grown up. Like earning your own money. Being allowed to drink coffee. And traveling.
But it doesn’t have to be the opposite of being fun and fearless. It can be both. Responsible yet adventurous. Careful yet dare devil-ish. Organized yet spontaneous.
So let’s.
Let’s travel.
Let’s discover.
Let’s live in the moment.
And let’s get carried away sometimes.
And most of all let’s keep some blank pages in our agendas this year.
Less homework, more playtime! Because we are the grown-ups and we say so.
This year CB will be more of a personal soultraveller-cultural-photography-exploring-story blog than it's been in the last one. 
Are you game?

Source: Uploaded by user via Ridhi on Pinterest

 photo Canimbenimsig.jpg

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