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Saturday, May 30, 2015

12 weeks

I had a really nice time with Inge visiting. Even though I had to take some naps inbetween, we enjoyed spending lots of time outside, taking walks, photographing, having good food and many coffees/teas together.
Size of the baby: 6,5 cm.
Cravings:  orange juice. still.
Aversions: nothing new. But had a chocolate easter egg and it gave me heartburn - another reason to stay away from chocolately things.
Symptoms: Feeling very(!) tired all of a sudden. I have to take a nap immediately or I will just fall over if I don't give in.
Happy moment this week: going out with Inge to take pictures. And a present she brought from my sweetheart Tamila; a cute funny baby book diary, a card and sweets from The Chocolate Hotel (love that shop!)... yes, more chocolate.. that's how my friends know me.. pre-pregnancy that is.
Thoughts: I made it through my first trimester!!! Without puking! Feeling so lucky and blessed and happy with everything going on inside of me and around me.
What I’m looking forward to: my trip to Izmir with Elif beginning of April. I will go to Denizli first where she's staying with her parents. From there we will continue by car, driving to Izmir and the surrounding places along the Aegean coast. My first trip alone with my little baby.
My pregnancy journal, including a crankometer ranging from mellow mommy to wee bit cranky to half normal to moody maniac haha. I checked with B if he finds me more cranky than before the pregnancy since it's hard to tell yourself. 'No' he said, 'you even became more kind and sweet'-hmmm.. I guess those crazy extra hormones aren't so crazy after all.. can't I save them somewhere in my body for after pregnancy times, when I go back to normal, sometimes bit more cranky me?
Pictures that Inge and I took for the interview in Hello Alanya Magazine. I thought that I look pregnant all over while we took them, cause that's how it felt. And apart from family and some very few friends I hadn't really told anyone yet so I was a bit worried that when these would be published everyone who knows me in Alanya would call to ask if I'm pregnant. Looking back from where I am now.. sitting on an extra pillow with a huge bump inbetween me and the laptop.. I can see why nobody called. Cause there's nothing to see. But believe me, the minute you find out that you're pregnant it feels like the whole world sees it too. It's like having BABY written all over your face and belly.

 photo Canimbenimsig.jpg

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