Size of the baby: about 22 cm. The size of a green bell pepper.
Cravings: nothing.
Aversions: nothing special. But my doctor said I need to eat fish twice a week. I'm trying.. at least once a week.. but it's a struggle. I know it's good and all.. and although I would most probably eat just about anything for this baby if I had to, .. it still takes me a a long time, and a lot of lemon, salad and bread to go with to finish it each time. I grew up as a vegetarian and started to learn to eat fish when I came to Turkey. I do like it once in a blue moon.. but every week is a challenge. Not sure I can keep this up.. though B is really sweet, buying fish especially for me and having the chef cook and clean it for me in the restaurant..
Symptoms: no specific symptoms but I do need and love my daily nappa's.
Happy moments this week: B could feel the little kicks now too. It's such a magical moment to experience together, both our hands on my belly.. waiting for a little sign from the inside and getting super excited when we feel it both at the same time. Amazing how much you feel connect to each other this way.
Receiving a package from my darling friend Lieke from Amsterdam, before she took off to Australia again. A card and two bodysuits from Jip & Janneke. Two characters every little kid in Holland grows up with.
Listening to classical music. I got this CD from Ece, Elif's niece who we stayed at during our visit in Izmir. She's studying music herself and gave me this beautiful CD of The Four Seasons for my baby to listen at. It's a known fact that classic music has a positive effect on unborn babies, it's calming and at the same time stimulating to their brain development. I am listening to it a lot these days, actually doing so right now while writing this post.
What I look forward to: more beach days in the coming week. And feeling my baby actually moving around and the kicks becoming stronger soon. Counting days till the next doctor's appointment.
Sweet words and baby clothes from Lieke ♥
Beautiful music from Ece ♫
Very fishy.. before it's been cleaned.
I keep mixing up the number of weeks I'm in, it's more confusing than I thought. I keep going back to the first week to start counting. I found this really handy table, showing how to count weeks, months and trimesters. I started my fifth month! Wow, it goes really fast..
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