Hello to
all you dear ones. Welcome back at my little corner in this beautiful magazine.
I’m looking forward to a new season in Alanya and to talking with you about all
things big and small in life that keep our minds and hearts occupied as we
float through 2015.
always feels a bit like New Year’s Day around here in a way. There is many ways
to count a year. At work a year begins and ends with the calendar. For students
a year is divided into semesters. If you are pregnant or parents to a baby, you
count every month. For children, the seemingly endless amount of time that goes
into one year is marked by birthdays, Christmas, Bayram, happy events and of
course summer break. But if you live in Alanya, the year is divided into two
big parts, the summer season and the winter season. And with the beginning of
the summer season everything feels fresh and new and full of possibilities
again. Much like January 1st. There is renovation work going on
everywhere in town, new tourists will come and old ones will come back. New
friendships are being made and many will fall in love here, something that
seems inevitable in our little town. ‘It must be something in the water’ as
they say around here. Whether it’s the water, the sunshine, the beautiful surrounding
or the locals working their charms, or maybe a combination of all of these
things, it’s definitely attractive to so many tourist visiting every year.
In the warm
and bright light of the new season, I wanted to share with you my idea of
making plans and resolutions for the new year ahead. 2015 is still young and so
it’s not too late to think about what you want to archive this year. Because we
all want to start new beginnings with the best intentions at heart. We plan to
be more successful, to lose weight before summer comes, to live healthier and
do more sports, quit smoking, earn more money, travel more, buy a house, a car
or whatever it is you want to purchase. And as the months roll buy the goals we
set kind of disappear in the distance and we feel a bit embarrassed when we
have to admit that we kind of lost the motivation to chase them. This is why
resolutions, expressed in a single specific goal, don’t work if you ask me.
They often lead to frustration and excuses. I have discovered some years ago
that it is much more effective and satisfying if you pick a word instead of a
goal. Just one word, that you can apply to every area of colorful life. It can
be anything you want, as long as it’s positive and constructive. Think of words
like creativity, ambition, growth, renovation, service, change, love, travel, educating
yourself and so on. Come up with one word that you want to represent how you
approach things in your life and remind yourself of this word as you go along. Honor
this word and give it your best intention. Use it with honesty. For example
last year, my personal word was dedication. As a new mom, I dedicated myself
completely to the tasks of motherhood and family life. But I also applied the
word to other areas in my life like maintaining my friendships and taking care
of my good health the best way I could. This year I chose a new word. It is
manifestation. And by that I mean doing things right away rather than
postponing them. Daily tasks as well as the big stuff. There are some things on
my mind that I have been planning and talking about quite a lot but just didn’t
do them yet. And I know it’s time for me to kick my own butt and just get going
when I get tired of hearing myself talking about my plans without actually
doing much about it. So this new season I want to be all about manifesting a
dream or two and I intend to do much more of walking the walk rather than just
talking the talk. Word! What is your new word going to be?

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